Y-Lime Creative Design Emily Medley: a short bio

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My first published design piece was the cover of a poetry book compiled by my second grade class. I suspect that what won her class's vote was that I used different textures with my pencil to make the paint blots on an illustrated palate noticably different colors. That, and I had some letter stamps to make "real" type, though I had already played a great deal with my own handwriting.

I went on to get a liberal arts degree and then experience the subsequent dearth of career options for someone with that background. After going back to school again, I graduated from Portland Community college and started Y-Lime Creative Design in 2007, where I have worked as a freelancer ever since.

I have a deep passion and natural talent for turning general ideas into engaging visual communication that effectively promotes you. I love that design requires one to be artistic and creative while following rules and solving problems. I make sure to focus on detail, eye-flow, contrast, and unity in every composition. Finally, I have an unblemished record of met deadlines, making sure that your material is out in plenty of time.

Feel free to contact me. I look forward to meeting your needs.